воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

first airplanes

Jeetje, Dit is echt lang geleden. Opeens belandde ik weer op mijn web-log en begon opeens te twijfelen. Zal ik weer gaan schrijven? Ik geef toe, ik pas een paar zinnen getypt maar het voelt eigenlijk al behoorlijk vertrouwd. Ik vond het ook altijd ontzettend leuk om m'n hier kwijt te kunnen. Of ik nou of geen reacties krijg, het was altijd wel een fijne uitlaat klep. (Al maken reacties het natuurlijk wel extra leuk)

Toch denk ik dat ik wel weer ga beginnen. Er staat komende periode namelijk genoeg te gebeuren. En sowiezo er in een jaar vrij veel gebeurd. Leuke maar ook mindere momenten. Maar ik mag wel zeggen dat het over het algemeen erg goed gaat met mij. Toen ik net mijn laatste berichtje over las dacht ik ; Sjonge sjonge maar dat is lang geleden. Nu blijkt dat dat iets meer dan een jaar is. Het voelt veel langer geleden. Zoals ik al zei er is dus genoeg gebeurd. Niet dat ik dat nu direct ga vertellen....

Het was even een testje maar de test resultaten pakken goed uit, dus besluit ik bij deze weer opnieuw te gaan bloggen Vanaf volgende berichtje zal ik over het afgelopen jaar vertellen. Maar ik zal het kort en krachtig houden want op dit moment speelt er ook genoeg voldoende

Heel raar om weer te zeggen maar tot snel

dinosaurus form z, first airplanes, first airplanes made, first alarm clock, first alarm clock invented.

circuit electronic good useful

Your result for The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test...

Pure Nerd

For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.

A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.

A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd.

The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork." No-longer. Being smart isnapos;t as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful.


drawing looney tune, circuit electronic good useful, circuit electronic hobby, circuit electronic hobby schematic, circuit electronic home kit page.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

eagle fight ring song tone

So, Iapos;m kicking it in Waterloo, Ontario right now. My cousinapos;s wedding is tomorrow, and my sister is one of the bridesmaids, so we kinda had to go. It sucks apos;cause I have two midterms next week to study for, but tonight, at least, was awesome

See, Kitchener and Waterloo (theyapos;re adjacent cities) have a big German population, so theyapos;ve been celebrating Oktoberfest for quite a while now - in fact, this year was their 40th Oktoberfest. And all of my family here is German. So, a couple of my cousins (neither of them the one getting married tomorrow) went out Oktoberfesting. And it was excellent, even though the main beer being served was Molson Canadian (basically, the shittiest beer Canada brews - itapos;s barely better than Bud). Why? apos;Cause we ran into one of my cousins from Texas, who is really fun, and another one of my cousins and his wife who live in the area. Theyapos;re pretty fun too. And, most of all, David Wilcox was playing at the place we went to David fucking Wilcox, one of my favourite singers that I barely knew I liked. At first I didnapos;t even realize that he was the real deal when he started sing Riverboat Fantasy, which is one of my all-time favourite songs. But then he kept going with songs I loved but hadnapos;t realized he sung,

Basically, it was an Oktoberfest miracle. apos;Cause I discovered that so many songs that I loved were actually done by a guy I barely knew about. And he was there, live, playing them all Everyone I was with decided I was the drunkest apos;cause I was dancing along with all the songs (and I probably was anyways; I probably had the highest alcohol consumption to weight ratio), but it was really because I was just so in to the music

Anyways, tonight = awesomeness, tomorrow hopefully = hangover.

And Iapos;ll have to take a picture of me with my Oktoberfest hat. It is a superb hat, and I hope to find a higher quality one to wear more often.

agios apartment crete nikolaos, eagle fight ring song tone, eagle fight ringtone song, eagle fight song, eagle fight song lyrics.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

conduit grounding clamp

If at any point in the last few days we did not see you(any you that might have been seen) it was something personal. Seth is still getting over the cold and we are trying not to pass it around, sharing is not a virtue in flu season.

We procured book case number two.....Yeah..... The large vampiricly deep entertainment center is that much closer to gone.....cheering. Iapos;m thinking there will be no more bits of furniture that I cannot move by myself, at least a few feet anyway. Roaming dust buffalo lurk in the shadowed depths by the wall�and will not be summoned forth by the asthmatic vaccume cleaner no matter the enticement for alas it sucks, but not enough.

I am sorting through the abundant stash of beads sorting for the right color combinations to build on. The colaboration proccedes apace if at a somewhat slower pace than I had hoped. No particular notice should be taken of this fact as light speed would still give me nerves and be too slow. Having once voluntered for any juged event I am not likely to participate again if it goes awry and to insure this as a sucess I am being more than slightly tense and obnoxious. In my defence I am expecting any of the three proposed plans I put up to take in excess of an hundred hours to complete providing I do not screw up, dislike the results, or other unforseen circumstances arise.� Nope... No pressure.
conduit grounding clamp, conduit hanger, conduit hangers, conduit hdpe.